Hi, I’m Kacie
I’m here to help you with your relationship to food - whatever that means to you…
I could list my certificates, and I’ll put them below but what I think you really need to know is
What’s your favourite food? If we’re talking sweet then I’m a pastry gal. Especially cinnamon rolls - if you know where makes the best send me a message. Savoury it’s pizza all the way…
Why do you follow an Intuitive Eating Approach? For me it’s the fact it’s backed by science and focuses on helping you be in control. You’re not relying on me forever, you’ve got the tools that help you feel your best. And the effects I’ve seen when people embrace Intuitive Eating and Movement.
Why should I work with you? Because you want to? There’s some great nutritionists / Intuitive Eating Councillors out there. Ultimately it’s if you like my approach, how I frame things and if you want my help. I will do my utmost to help you and give you the tools you need, to be in your corner.
Why are you balancing books on your head? Good question - I take nothing seriously, not even branding photos. So here you go. Book balancing, because #branding.
My Approach
What is Intuitive Eating?
Intuitive Eating is a framework that was created in 1995 with a focus on rejecting diet culture and tuning back in with the body’s natural signals in relation to what we eat and how we move. The creators of Intuitive Eating, Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch, both worked in private clinics and found that the commonly prescribed weight loss treatments weren’t working so they created their own.
Since then, there have been many studies backing up intuitive eating and as a framework it’s used by a range of health professionals such as nutritionists and dieticians, as well as individuals around the world.
There are ten principles of Intuitive Eating:
Reject the diet mentality
Honour your hunger
Make peace with food
Challenge the food police
Discover the satisfaction factor
Feel your fullness
Cope with your emotions with kindness
Respect your body
Movement - Feel the difference
Honour your health with gentle nutrition
What does that mean for you?
No meal plans and telling you what to do - it means building your skillset. So you feel better equipped to work on your relationship with food and movement.

As promised… my credentials…
Nutrition -
BSc Biological Sciences, Royal Veterinary College
MSc Human Nutrition (Sports Science), London Metropolitan University
Currently in progress -
Evelyn Tribole’s Intuitive Eating Councillor Training
Level 2 Counciling Skills
Movement -
Yoga Teacher Training 200 YRT, Martial Arts & Yoga
Level 3 Mat Pilates Diploma, London Pilates Academy
Level 3 Personal Training Qualification, No1 Fitness Education
60 hour Yin Yoga Teacher Training, Yoga Marisol
I’m a big believer in Continual Learning and Development - so I’ve done many CPD courses alongside formal education.