How do I start Intuitive Eating?
This is where I go all cliche and say you decide to take that first step and begin… but truly that is a bit how it is. Intuitive Eating isn’t a 30 day programme or really strict routine. It’s a process of exploring / utilising the framework when it comes to food and movement. And even if not in a strict way it may be something you use for a long time.
If you think of one of those decision flow charts of things to think about -
Do I need expert help? And this will depend on a range of factors - time / cash you have to spare, whether there’s a specific question you have or more general interest in Intuitive Eating. Would you prefer to discuss with someone else, or mull it over. Sometimes it can feel like you’re thinking yourself in circles without a sounding board.
Why do I want to explore Intuitive Eating? Is it interest / curiosity or are you struggling with a specific issue that you’re hoping Intuitive Eating can help with? This will also help as you explore the principles - you’ll have something to anchor back to.
Do I want to go structured or free flow? Nudge nudge I have an IE course on this very website which follows the principles in order to help you navigate through them. And a guide you can purchase. Otherwise you can always explore the principles / resources on their own and see what you want to focus on first.
How do you learn best? Are you someone who loves a self-help book? Or reels / videos? Maybe podcasts are more your jam. Finding the way you take in information the best will help you best get to grips with Intuitive Eating. Don’t be afraid to try a few different ways of exploring IE.
Be mindful of misinformation. There's so much information out there. Especially in the non-diet space, a lot of diet companies have slightly co-opted Intuitive Eating as a marketing strategy.
Remove the pressure. No matter what you decide to do remove any pressure of quick results / being perfect. Give yourself time and space to explore Intuitive Eating.
Want my help? - Book here.
Some resources that may be useful -